Monday, June 22, 2009

Flowers Essenses Helping Animals Heal

by Dr. Shannon Dominguez, DCH
FriendlyTails® - Animals Helping People Heal
"Improving quality of life with friendly tails." ©

Flower essences helping animals to heal? Why not!

Flower essences are liquid patterned infused solutions (dilute extracts of various types of flowers and/or plants) that have homeopathic qualities that balance physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal levels of animals. Originally developed for people, the benefits were found to help animals too. These essences are not a substitute for veterinary diagnosis and treatment. However, they are safe to use alone where circumstances allow, or in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

When there is disease, stress, and/or disharmony within an animal, the flower essences incorporates a system of healing. Flower essence remedies include, but not limited to, correcting and balancing the following:

* unruliness, excessive noisiness, aggression, destructiveness
* mental or physical suffering
* fear, anxiety, apprehension, nervousness
* intolerance
* lack of confidence
* compulsiveness

* toxicity, uncleanliness
* resistance
* stress
* loneliness, despondency, hopelessness, gloom
* adjustment to new environments, circumstances
* shyness
* mental & physical exhaustion
* sulking

While I have named only a handful of symptoms, there are 38 flower remedies developed by Edward Bach (1886-1936), and further essences or combinations of remedies have since been developed. All are based with regard to the plant's specific imprint. This imprint corresponds to the symptom and responds in balancing and repairing it. The term "imprint" was originally explained by Leonardi as follows:

"It's commonly understood that everything in the universe has a vibration to it. What makes something red is its vibration. Scientifically, you'd say red is its vibration. Flowers have a certain frequency, too. If you process a flower into an essence and you take it into your body, it starts to vibrate at that frequency. It starts to create a synchronization of other cells and tissues in your body, causing them to vibrate at that level." (cited Morrison 1995, p85; quoted in Graham & Vlamis 2002, p13)

Do I use flower essences on my animals? The answer is, "Yes." I always have a bottle of Rescue Remedy on hand to calm a stressed animal (in some cases a few stressed out people). My personal library has the reference book, "Bach Flower Remedies for Animals" by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis. These two resources have proved valuable and effective in my experience. It can be used with any animal or bird, including dogs, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, horses, goats, chickens, finches, parrots, injured wild birds and animals.